币种全称 | /NLX |
币种简称 | NLX |
币种简介 |
"Nullex,简称为NLX币,供应总量为4047.70万 NLX。 On April 19th 2018, GPU coin was officially re-launched and rebranded as NulleX, the world's first privacy-oriented cryptocurrency to utilize the newly conceived Null Protocol.Null Protocol will be an anonymity protocol that completely eliminates transactional linkability and provides full fungibility by introducing an innovative UTXO destruction and reconstruction mechanism. NLX今日价格为$0.0013542,其24小时的交易量为暂不提供。NLX在过去24小时内无增减变化。其市值为暂不提供。其流通总量为4047.70万NLX,其发行量为4047.70万NLX。"
首次发行时间 | |
历史最高价 | $0.18662998 |
历史最低价 | $0.000019 |
发行总量 | 40477042 |
流通数量 | 40477042 |
流通率 | 1 |
总市值 | NaN |
完全稀释后市值 | $3.3456384979910336e-11 |
流通市值 | $ |
流通占全球总市值 | |
上架交易所 | 0 |
官网链接 | http://nullex.io/ |
白皮书 | http://nullex.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/NulleX-Whitepaper-2.0-June-2018-2.pdf |
区块浏览器 |
Telegram |
Github | https://github.com/white92d15b7/GPU-Coin |
Twitter | https://twitter.com/NulleXOfficial |
FaceBook | |
Reddit | https://www.reddit.com/r/NulleX |