【萌趣联动,徽章来袭!】👀✨ 迷人的金属徽章,承载着与熊饱饱、熊贝贝和熊乐乐的美好记忆,成为奥比岛粉丝们梦寐以求的收藏品!💖 从8月16日前,参与奥比岛集结好友领周边活动,邀请新老朋友共赴岛屿盛宴,就有机会赢取抽奖机会,兑换限量版【萌二联动金属徽章】、【EMMA联动金属徽章】和【幽灵熊联动金属徽章】。🎉 数量有限,心动不如行动,快来加入这场萌趣横生的联动盛宴吧!🚀 #奥比岛联动狂欢# 🎈
**Summary:** Dive into the enchanting world of Obi Island, where limited-edition metal badges featuring beloved characters like Bear BaoBao, Bear BeiBei, and Phantom Bear have captured fans' hearts. Invite friends old and new to join in the festivities before August 16th for a chance to win these adorable collectibles in the "Obi Island Gather Friends for Peripherals" event. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to add these charming badges to your collection! #ObiIslandFestiveFun #MetalBadgeMania 🌟🎉✨